



A while ago, Lung Ying-tai, previous Minister of Culture posted a short article on her Facebook page titled Two Individuals. In Vienna, a traffic light shows two individuals with the same sex. Between them is a heart. She thinks the message behind is that love doesn't exist only between two opposite sexes. It can exist between any two individuals.


It simply takes two to love.

龍應台在短文中表達,這兩位牽手過馬路的小綠人,可以是自己與母親的父母恩情、可以是摯友的好友情誼、可以是兄弟的手足親情,有網友表達對家庭的看法,「家庭之成立,不見得是夫妻,好友,同學,只要合得來,互相照顧,直到終老」。當然,更能延伸描繪出異性間、同性間的愛情,無論你是以哪一種愛情模式存在於這個世界上,最基本的兩人相愛,就是最好美人生之展開。It simply takes two to love.

Lung, in her article, says that these two green individuals as shown in the traffic light can signify the love between parents and children, between two best friends, or between siblings. Some netizens have echoed by saying that a family can be established not only by two spouses but also by good friends as long as they get along and can be committed to each other till death. This can also be extended to depict the love between two heterosexuals or between two homosexuals. Whichever love mode you exist in, as long as you love each other, you can live a beautiful life. It simples takes two to love.


This love symbolized with the two green individuals in Viennese traffic light is also reflected in a ancient Chinese poem titled Wild Geese Mound, part of which reads:

I ask of the world, "What is love" and why

Love just moves some creatures to live or die?

To the north and to the south too,

The pair of travellers flying --

Many a winter and summer through,

The loving old couple been winging.

(Translation by Frank C Yue and adapted from




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