

1993湯姆漢克(Tom Hank)主演的電影《費城》,因同性戀身份並得到愛滋病,工作遭歧視且遭到解雇際遇。對許多台灣同志來說,同性戀身份是一個不可對外告知的深處秘密。517日為國際不再恐同日,台灣伴侶權益推動聯盟今天邀請對同志友善的企業,不僅提供同性婚姻可請婚假,甚至連同志員工要人工受精、領養小孩都享福利津貼或補助,聽起來是不是非常令人嚮往?

The movie Philadelphia, starred Tom Hanks, tells the story of how a gay man was discriminated against at workplace because of his HIV status. For gay men in Taiwan, their homosexual identity is often a secret. For International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia on May 17th, the Taiwan Alliance to Promote Civil Partnership Rights (TAPCPR) invited LGBT-friendly enterprises, some of which not only provide marriage leave for same-sex couples, but they also subsidize their homosexual employees’ efforts to have children through procedures like artificial insemination or adoption. Doesn’t this sound very appealing?


Mr. Kuo is a partner in the law firm Winklers Partners. According to Mr. Kuo, among the 56 employees in the law firm, 5 of them are openly gay, accounting for around 9%. These openly homosexuals include partners, lawyers, other legal and administrative staff. Winklers Partners treats everyone equally. Regardless of their sexual orientations, all employees enjoy the same benefits. Spouses from both heterosexual relationships or homosexual relationships can all participate in the firm’s events. Homosexual employees are also entitled to marriage leave.

伯仲法律事務所公關James Hill是該公司出櫃的同志之一,他說:身為同志在這家公司工作感覺很驕傲,也很榮幸,他認為如果不是同志,無法親身感受到職場所受到的歧視,也相信沒有公司會訂出對同志不友善的政策,但公司都需要正視面對,以開放透明溝通及討論,相信台灣中小企業都可以做到。

The Public Relations person of Winklers Partners, James Hill, is also one of the openly gay employees in the company. He said, “I am proud and privileged to be a gay employee in this company.” He thinks were he not a gay employee, he would not be able to experience the experience at the workplace. In addition, no company would set policy hostile to gay employees, but every company needs to engage in open and transparent communication and discussions. He believes the industries in Taiwan can do this.

國際管理顧問公司McKinsey麥肯錫合夥人之一Nicolas Chapman說,全球最頂尖人才是多元性,要吸引人才沒有疑慮的加入這工作環境,必須建立平等基礎,因此麥肯錫的LGBT同仁的同性伴侶,都可以參加公司的健保福利等計畫,在對於同志有有稅務相關歧視的國家,也會予以協助。

One of McKinsey’s partners, Nicolas Chapman, said that most global top talents are diverse. To attract these people to join the workforce, a company needs to create an equal foundation. Therefore, all McKinsey’s LGBT employees’ partners can be enrolled in the company’s healthcare and other welfare programs. The company also provides assistance in countries where LGBT suffers from discrimination in tax affairs.



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