西村宏堂 日本第一出櫃僧侶
Kodo Nishimura, the first Japanese monk that came out as gay
Many of us may have a hard time imagining a monk working as a makeup artist, working through the fashion industry, putting up makeup for super models and Misses Universe. This is Kodo Nishimura. He even came out to the public, completely transforming your imagination about Buddhist monks.
離開日本 赴美再回來
Left Japan for the US and returned
Now a monk in a temple in Tokyo, Nishimura said that in high school because he was worried that his teachers and the society would not accept or understand his attraction to other men, he was under tremendous pressure. Therefore, he traveled to the United States for school when he turned 18. When putting on makeup for friends, he accidentally discovered his talents and also started developing a career in professional makeup.
However, just when he was about to reach the peak of his career, he began to be drawn to Buddhism. He went through two years of continuous religious practices and tests. He asked questions that may conventionally been regarded as deviant questions in Buddhism about makeup, costume, and same-sex love. He was afraid he would offend his master. But he was surprised when the master answered, “If what you are trying to convey is everyone is born equal, and everyone can receive enlightenment, and your profession as a makeup artist can help you achieve that aim, then why not?”
If you believe what you do is good and kind, then do it!
Nishimura has sought confirmation from Buddhism and has received more acceptance in his deeds. He said, “I know Buddha does not put people into different classes based on their gender or upbringing. I know as long as you believe what you do is good and kind, then do it.”