

性平議題 教授遭到學生"嗆爆"

Students speaking up to professor about gender equality issues


A video surfaced online a while ago. It showed a professor from the Department of Education at Tainan University in class. The video showed him making obscure comments about physical and psychological gender, sexual orientations, sexually transmitted infections, AIDS and other issues. He even made comments about textbooks containing vulgar pictures. However, he was questioned and challenged in class by his students who believed that youngsters need to learn about their own body, mind, and gender while receiving education. This would help them identify with themselves. Despite this, this professor avoided answering students’ questions explicitly.

愛滋病是性病 也是慢性病

AIDS can be sexually transmitted and can be a chronic disease.

早在1995年台裔美國科學家何大一(David Ho)創立雞尾酒療法」至今,愛滋病的確算是性病的一種,但已不是不治之症,反而成為能夠透過按時服用藥物來控制的慢性病。根據公視新聞網報導指出,歐美地區2010年後接受該療法的HIV感染者,能夠和一般人一樣,活到780歲。許多名人,例如演員查理辛、湖人隊傳奇球星魔術強森等,也因為按時服藥,使病情獲得有效控制,不再是絕症。

David Ho, a Taiwanese American scientist, introduced the cocktail treatment in 1995. Nowadays, AIDS, potentially transmitted sexually, is no longer considered a death sentence. It is a chronic disease that can be contained via medication. According to Public Television Service’s report, many of those infected with HIV in Europe or the United States have lived up to 70 or 80 years old if they receive treatment. Several celebrities, including actor Charlie Sheen and Magic Johnson, a legendary retired basketball player from Los Angles Lakers, have also had their condition contained through medication.

學校教育的失敗 問題不在學生

Failure of education, whose responsibility?


Many teachers are ignorant of issues about LGBT, gender identity, as well as gender equality. Some of them derived their concepts from stereotypes. This type of teachers are not among the few. We can observe from the video that the students actually have more accurate concepts than the professor.




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