


Straight guys may be turned on by other guys!

你覺得異男喝酒後,可能導致對男生產生酒後"亂性"的機會嗎?答案或許是肯定的喔。根據性格與社會心理學期刊(The Journal of Social Psychology)的一篇研究指出,異性戀者多喝幾杯酒的情況之下,會更加容易對同性產生興趣。韋恩州立大學(Wayne State University)和西伊利諾大學(Western Illinois University)的研究者實地進行一場試驗,地點在美國中部一些城鎮酒吧,在晚上10:00到凌晨01:00這段期間,招募於酒吧喝酒共83位的測試者。

Do you think straight guys may become more sexually attracted to other guys after a few drinks? The answer might just be a yes! A research article from the Journal of Social Psychology reported that a few alcoholic drinks may increase the chance of heterosexuals to be more attracted to their same sex. Researchers from Wayne State University and Western Illinois University conducted an experiment in some bars in the Midwest from 10pm to 1am, recruiting a total of 83 drinkers to take part in the study.

10杯以上 男女生具有同樣的吸引力

With only ten drinks, both sexes become equally attractive.


The study found that drunk straight guys are evidently less reluctant to have sexual engagement with other men. On the other hand, there is no obvious change in the correlation between degree of intoxication and level of attraction to the females. Specifically, with more than ten drinks, men may become as sexually attractive as women to straight guys.


Sexual orientation is fluid.


Another article from the Journal of Social Psychology also found that sexual orientation if fluid. With alcohol being the catalyst and a gradually progressive society, people can be more truthful to their own desire and not be constrained by social norms. If this experiment had been conducted in the 19th century or early 20th century, perhaps the results would have been drastically different.



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