
在台灣關於HIV預防和相關宣導,除了衛生福利部疾病管制署Centers for Disease Control, R.O.C. (Taiwan)的官方單位以外,還有許多資源可以使用及瞭解,在此與大家分享和簡介。HIV本身不可怕,令人害怕的是對它的不瞭解,加上許多錯誤資訊及恐慌,導致聞HIV色變的情況屢見不鮮。

In Taiwan, in terms of HIV prevention and health promotion, in addition to Centers for Disease Control, there are some other resources. Here, we will briefly introduce a few of them. HIV itself is not as terrifying as people being misinformed about it. It is not uncommon to hear about people’s fear of HIV.


Non-governmental AIDS Organizations in Taiwan

1. 台灣露德協會 Taiwan Lourdes Association


They provide counseling and visit AIDS patients in hospitals or at their homes. They help alleviate family’s burden by looking after the patients. They pay visits to those incarcerated and living with HIV/AIDS. They also put out publications on AIDS related topics as well as set up their own website. What’s more, they established a center where those living with HIV to befriend each other through support groups and other recreational activities.

2. 台灣紅絲帶基金會 Taiwan AIDS Foundation


Borrowing from international experiences, Taiwan AIDS Foundation implements localized prevention measures, actively promoting AIDS education for teenagers. Besides, they also created a life education curriculum, in which those living with HIV/AIDS enter schools to share their stories as well as AIDS education. They also form teams among university students and give them opportunities to take part in international events dedicated to AIDS prevention education. As an active participant in discussion about various prevention measures, they hope to be part of policy as well as decision making.

3. 中華民國愛滋感染者權益促進會 Persons with HIV/AIDS Rights Advocacy Association of Taiwan

1) 促進愛滋感染者對自身權益及地位的認知。

2) 促進社會各界對愛滋感染者政策、福利之重視與支援。

3) 促進國內外愛滋感染者支援團體之聯誼、交流與合作。

4) 推動保護愛滋感染者相關法令及政策之研究。

5) 推動其他有利於愛滋感染者福利、權益等事宜。

6) 處理愛滋感染者權益侵害事件。

Here are some goals of the organizations:

1. To increase knowledge of persons with HIV/AIDS about their own rights and status

2. To promote support among the public for the welfare of persons with HIV/AIDS

3. To promote collaboration among support groups for persons with HIV/AIDS

4. To drive the research on the regulations as well as policy about persons with HIV/AIDS

5. To push forward work that benefits the rights and welfare of person with HIV/AIDS

6. To deal with violation to rights of persons with HIV/AIDS

4. 台灣同志諮詢熱線協會 Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association


They provide gay men with counseling services regarding AIDS prevention and safe sex. They also organize talks on AIDS at schools. In addition, they provide pre-testing counseling service, emotional support, as well as telephone counseling, helping the gay community deal with AIDS issues.


Of course, there are other organizations and associations which play an important role in AIDS education and prevention. We will introduce more of them in the future.


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